Better Uptime vs UpTimeRobot

Farouk Ben. - Founder at OdownFarouk Ben.()
Better Uptime vs UpTimeRobot - Odown - uptime monitoring and status page

Your website is the gateway for your users to connect with you, your products, and/or your services. Small and large websites alike face a similar challenge in maintaining constant uptime, as issues with availability can lead to lost revenue, tarnished customer trust, and other problems. This is why website monitoring tools are important.

What is website monitoring, exactly? It’s a means of safeguarding your digital presence by running continuous checks of your website’s performance from various locations around the world.

These can occur as often as every 30-60 seconds, meaning you are the first to know about potential problems before customers have a chance to encounter them. Then, you or your development team can take swift action to restore functionality.

Think of these tools as an investment in peace of mind knowing your website is running as expected around the clock.

That being said, not all services are created equal. You need the best uptime monitoring service. And today, we’ll compare and contrast two of the most popular choices: Better Uptime vs UpTimeRobot. You’ll see where each has an edge in terms of website monitoring itself, advanced incident management features, integrations, usability, and perhaps most importantly, pricing.

While each of these has its place, the truth is you have access to an even better website uptime monitoring than both UpTimeRobot and Better Uptime: _Odown. _Our software fills the gaps these two have, offering the most comprehensive solution the industry has to offer at a better value. You can try it risk-free for 14 days without having to put a credit card down!

Overview of Better Uptime

Let’s start by introducing each software before putting them head to head to see which comes out on top. Better Uptime, now known simply as “Uptime” under the Better Stack umbrella of technology, is an intuitive solution that alerts you immediately upon detection of downtime.

The software is implemented by some of the best engineering teams in the world, those of Time, Accenture, Octopus Deploy, Raspberry Pi, and more. It’s clear to see why, too.

You gain access to industry-leading 30-second uptime checks from locations around the world. One of the unique features of this solution is that it confirms the error from 3 different locations before you get alerted, minimizing the issue of false positives.

When an error occurs you’re given a screenshot of it along with a second-by-second timeline to facilitate seamless incident management. You can be alerted in many different ways, from a simple phone call to SMS, Amazon CloudWatch, DataDog, New Relic, Slack, Prometheus, Microsoft Teams, Jira, and more.

You’re able to monitor anything with Better Uptime, be it a web page itself or API, ping, POP3, IMAP, SMTP, DNS, or generic network monitoring. When it comes to forming an incident response, you’re even able to configure complex rules for escalation based on time, team availability, and incident origin - allowing you to prioritize accordingly.

Plus, you can set up your own status page that allows you to maintain trust and communication with your audience. It also helps you build user confidence in your product.

There are a number of different plans you can choose from based on the scale of your website and your specific needs. These include:

  • Basic (FREE!): 10 monitors, 3-minute checks, 5 status pages, and email alerts.
  • Freelancers ($25/month): 50 monitors, 30-second checks, unlimited phone calls and email alerts.
  • Small Team ($85/month): 100 monitors, 15 status pages, on-call scheduling, up to 5 team members, and more than 200 integrations
  • Business ($170/month): 1,000 monitors, 25 status pages, 5 members per team, priority support, and the ability to add more team members at a cost.

You can also inquire about an enterprise solution if you’re looking for a custom feature set. Now, let’s introduce the other half of the Better Uptime vs UpTimeRobot comparison.

Overview of UpTimeRobot

UpTimeRobot claims to be the world’s leading uptime monitoring service - and while it’s a bold assertion, the solution is trusted by some pretty massive companies. IBM, Expedia, GoDaddy, and even NASA use this service. It’s currently monitoring 7.5 million pages for more than 2.1 million users and companies.

You’re able to monitor everything you could need to keep an eye on in one single subscription. This includes your website, of course, but also SSL certificates, your domain itself, ports, pings, keywords, background jobs, and intranet devices.

Like Better Uptime, the checks can be as frequent as every 30 seconds depending on the plan you choose. Alerts range from the basics like phone, email, or SMS to integrations with Slack, Discord, Telegram, Zapier, and a few others.

This service also performs multi-location checks to avoid the issues associated with false positives so you aren’t forming an incident response for no reason. You can trust the error alerts you’re presented with. You can set up maintenance windows, too, which will pause alerts during scheduled downtime.

One of the more unique features of UpTimeRobot is that you’re given root causes for each incident so you aren’t just getting your website back up and running, but nailing down the culrpit responsible in the first place to prevent recurring incidents.

You can view response times, too, helping you find room for improvement in your website performance as a whole.

You also get access to your own white-labeled status page that can be customized to align with your branding and even link to your own custom domain. If you’d like, you can set up status updates that will fire off to subscribers automatically. This is a great way to stay top of mind, build trust, and streamline communication, reducing support tickets.

Here are the four different plans for UpTimeRobot:

  • Free: Your first 50 monitors are free. These are run every 5 minutes for HTTP, port, ping, and keywords. You only get 5 integrations and basic status pages.
  • Solo ($8/month): Faster checks of 60 seconds, and you can choose from 10 monitors or 50 monitors (bumps the plan to $19/month). On this tier, you can start monitoring SSL and domains, and you’ll get 9 integrations along with notification seats.
  • Team ($34/month): 100 monitors and all 12 integrations are unlocked on this plan. Users also get fully-featured status pages along with 3 notification and login seats.
  • Enterprise ($64/month): The top-tier plan is where you’ll unlock 30-second monitoring intervals and anywhere from 200 monitors to 1,000 monitors ($289/month). Along with everything else, you get 5 notification and login seats.

You’ll also love how quickly and easily you can start monitoring your website with UpTimeRobot, with integration taking just 30 seconds! However, it’s worth taking the time to compare and contrast Better Uptime vs UpTimeRobot below so you can know for sure which solution is right for you.

Better Uptime vs UpTimeRobot: Which Website Monitoring Solution is Right For You?

As we said from the start, we want to preface this comparison by saying that both solutions have their pros and cons, and each can serve as a reliable means of monitoring your website’s performance. However, only one is right for you.

So, let’s take a look at where each has an edge in terms of pure monitoring capabilities, integrations, usability, incident management, pricing, and other important details.

Website Monitoring Capabilities

Part of choosing the optimal website monitoring service is thinking about what exactly you want to keep an eye on.

Are you just trying to ensure uptime for your website as a whole? Do you want to be alerted to the pending expiration of SSL certificates or your domain itself? What about keyword or ping monitoring? Here’s what you can monitor with each service:

  • Better Uptime: Web page, API, ping, POP3, IMAP, SMTP, DNS or generic network monitoring.
  • UpTimeRobot: Website, SSL, domain, cron job, port, ping, keywords.

It’s not just about what can be monitored, though. You also need to think about how it’s monitored. Both services offer rapid 30-second check intervals, but it depends on the plan you’re on. For example, UpTimeRobot’s 5-minute intervals on the free plan fall short of the 3-minute checks you get on Better Uptime’s free plan.

However, UpTimeRobot’s free plan offers 50 different monitors whereas Better Uptime only grants you access to 10 monitors on their free plan.

It’s worth noting that both solutions offer multi-location checks to confirm errors from around the globe before alerting you, which saves you from the frustration of false positives.

So, take the time to review what you want to monitor, how much you need to monitor, and how you want to do it. You’ll find that one of these solutions probably aligns better with your needs than the other.


Integrations matter for two reasons: 1) alerting you to an issue through your preferred channel and 2) supporting incident management software. Both Better Uptime and UpTimeRobot have their own set of integrations, but the former is far more extensive.

It wouldn’t be feasible to list out each and every Better Uptime integration as there are more than 200. These range from log sources like Python, PHP, and Javascript to log forwarding with Vector, Fluent Bit, or Logstash. There are even integrations for cloud monitoring, infrastructure monitoring, scheduling on-call duties, incident management, messaging, customer service, project management, automation, webhooks, and more.

In contrast, UpTimeRobot really just offers the bare necessities - Slack, Zapier, PagerDuty, Splunk On-Call, Webhooks, Telegram, Discord, Mattermost, Microsoft Teams, Google Chat, Pushover, and Pushbullet.

This isn’t to say that Better Uptime is the superior service just because it has more integrations. You may not need the full capabilities it has to offer. Just think about the current software your website runs on and choose accordingly.

Incident Management Features

Actually alerting you to an error is just the first step - _helping you form a response is perhaps more important! _After all, you need to resolve the issue ASAP before a real user encounters it.

This is where Better Uptime has an edge with its integration with Datadog, New Relic, Grafana, Prometheus, Zabbix, Azure, AWS & Google Cloud. Depending on which service you currently use (or want to use) to streamline response to web errors you can sync in a snap.

The software also has flexible incident escalations that allow you to prioritize based on time, team availability, and incident origin. Moreover, smart incident merging will help you acknowledge all incidents at the same time so you aren’t getting alerted over and over again.

With a screenshot recording your API’s error message and an audit timeline that shows you exactly how the issue developed, evolved, and who got notified, you can keep track of your response times for further optimization in your incident management process.

On the other hand, UpTimeRobot falls short in supporting the actual management of incidents you encounter. It doesn’t integrate with many of the necessary software, so you’ll have to come up with your own workflow or try to create a workaround in Zapier.

That being said, Odown has an edge over both these solutions by integrating incident management features _directly into the monitoring service. _This allows you to consolidate your tech stack - more on that later.


It’s also important to think about which solution is easier to use. This will mostly come down to personal preference, which is why ultimately, we recommend you try both software’s free trials and see which aligns with your skillset and workflow.

That being said, we’ve run through the interfaces of both solutions and found UpTimeRobot to be more user-friendly. On the other hand, Better Uptime offers a more sophisticated dashboard for developers.

Pricing and Plans

While you shouldn’t make your decision based on price alone, considering the value you’re getting in a website monitoring service is still important. You can see tangible differences here in putting two similar plans side by side:

  • UpTimeRobot Team ($29/month): 100 monitors run every 60 seconds for HTTP, port and ping. You can also monitor keywords, SSL certificates, and domains. You get all 12 integrations and fully featured status pages with 3 different logins/notification seats.
  • Better Uptime Small Team ($85/month): 100 monitors run every 30 seconds for HTTP, ping, DNS, POP3/IMAP/SMTP, TCP/UDP, TLD, and more. You get up to 15 status pages, on-call scheduling, and access to more than 200 integrations. You also unlock many of the important incident management features necessary for streamlining responses.

On the surface, UpTimeRobot presents the better value at more than half the price. For some people, maybe it is the better value.

However, with far more frequency, way more integrations, and better incident management tools, you may end up paying less for the Small Team plan on Better Uptime. Again - just think about what you need in a solution and see which plan aligns with your needs.

So, Should You Monitor Your Digital Presence With UpTimeRobot or Better Uptime?

Hopefully, you have a better understanding of which of these two solutions better suits your needs. If not, allow us to make it clear.

Each has its place, with UpTimeRobot servicing as a more affordable solution that gives you everything you need to monitor issues - but that’s it. On the other hand, Better Uptime is a more sophisticated (and expensive) service that goes beyond alerting you to issues. It actually helps you manage them.

However, these are just two of the many different services you have at your disposal. We’ve written similar comparisons for UpTimeRobot alternatives, including SiteUpTime vs UpTimeRobot, StatusCake vs UpTimeRobot, UpTime Robot vs Pingdom, and Uptime Kuma vs UpTime Robot. You can also see other comparisons below:

However, the truth is that your search for a reliable, intuitive, and affordable all-in-one website monitoring service ends right here at Odown. Discover what makes our software the #1 choice below!

Discover a Better Website Monitoring Service Than Both UpTimeRobot and Better Uptime in Odown!

We designed Odown to address the shortcomings of the common services on the market, so you can save time and money while enjoying peace of mind. Here’s why it’s the #1 choice:

  • Advanced Monitoring Capabilities: Continuously check your website's uptime from multiple global locations, ensuring that data reflects real user experiences from around the world. Unlike basic services, Odown monitors not only HTTP but also HTTPS, FTP, SMTP, and more, providing a complete view of your site’s operational status.
  • Integrated Incident Management: An integrated incident management tool not only alerts you when issues occur but also helps manage and resolve them efficiently. This proactive approach minimizes downtime and keeps your operations running smoothly. Even with Better Uptime, you still need to integrate with other incident management services, creating complexities and extra costs.
  • Customizable Alert System: Tailor your alert preferences with notifications via email, SMS, Slack, Discord, Telegram, Pushbullet, and many more. The right team members are promptly informed about any issues for immediate action.
  • Real-Time Analytics and Reporting: Make data-driven decisions to enhance your website's reliability and user experience through valuable insights on performance and uptime.

We also support SSL certificate monitoring, but unlike other services, you can actually set when you want to be alerted to a pending expiration. Plus, you can create beautiful status pages and host them on your own domain for a cohesive branding experience for your users.

The real value is in the pricing differences. Even compared to UpTimeRobot, which is a more affordable service, Odown offers tremendous value. It costs just $29/month for everything you need, whereas a similar setup that consists of UpTimeRobot, PagerDuty (for incident management), and could cost nearly $350/month!

We’re confident you’ll agree this is a better solution to both Better Uptime and UpTimeRobot, but you don’t just have to take our word for it. We encourage you to get started today risk-free with a 14-day trial and see firshtand how Odown can elevate your digital monitoring process.

Bringing Our Comparison of Better Uptime vs UpTimeRobot to a Close

Downtime means lost revenue and eroded customer trust, which is why a reliable, intuitive monitoring service is not something you can do without - no matter the size, scale, or purpose of your website.

While both Better Uptime and UpTimeRobot serve a purpose and have their benefits, they also fall short in some areas. We’ve created a solution that fills in the gaps to deliver the most comprehensive monitoring service at a more affordable price point.

Odown is also the #1 Pingdom alternative, Statuscake alternative, Statuspage alternative, Freshping alternative, and Hyperping alternative. We mean it when we say this is the #1 uptime monitoring solution on the market, but why not experience firsthand what it can do for you?

Discover the unmatched capabilities of Odown by starting your free 14-day trial today, and see how our platform elevates website monitoring to new heights, ensuring your digital presence is always optimized and uninterrupted.