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Customize your website downtime alerts as you like

See what Odown integrates with

3rd party integrations are needed for complete website monitoring

Slack and Microsoft Teams have replaced traditional email methods as the way a team communicates, which, in turn, has reduced the urgency associated with email.

Your team must be alerted to the issue as quickly as possible when your site goes down. Fixing the problem starts once you’re aware of it. So the integrations allow you to bring Odown into the tools you already use and love. Make our website monitoring fit around your workflow rather than requiring you to alter your workflow to fit Odown!

Integrations - 3rd party integrations are needed for complete website monitoring

Impact of website downtime alerts on your business

Most email alert notifications are opened, but a certain percentage is never seen.

It means that each year there are hundreds of thousands of downtime events missed simply because the alert got missed. Downtime recovery is +30% slower than in teams with integrations. It's simple that if you learn about the problem sooner, the resolution will happen faster, which is why our website monitoring tool is born.

Integrations - Impact of website downtime alerts on your business

We support alerts on 8 different platforms