Reliable uptime & website monitoring service

Automate your website monitoring and never worry again. We'll notify you immediately whenever there's an outage.

Website monitoring

Trusted By

  • pentius
website monitoring

Don't care about your website uptime

Hosting an online business on a platform that is down is the same as not having a website; even a short outage can become a long-term problem with your users and reputation. We're here to make sure you don't go through the pain of losing customers due to website downtime.

With our website monitoring service, we will keep an eye on your entire network and notify you as soon as a problem occurs. That way, you can fix it before your customers are even aware of the disruption.

Website monitoring - Don't care about your website uptime
Result report

Long website monitoring log

Our result log lets you keep track of your website outages for up to a year. you can easily see historical results, compare them to your real-time website uptime reports, and see if your website has improved.

Website monitoring - Long website monitoring log
Check rates

Customize your website uptime checking rates

Stay up-to-date on your website at all times with our website monitoring service. Use our constant check rates that run every 1 minute, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, and up to 24 hours. Stop worrying about outages and know that you'll get an instant alert from us if your website goes down.

  • 1440 runs
  • 44640 runs
Endpoint request method

Custom HTTP request

We let you choose your adventure with a rich set of customization options: You decide the HTTP method, URL, request parameters, headers, and body. Add credentials or a media token for authentication.

Website monitoring - Custom HTTP request
Rich data

Everything you need, visualized

Monitor your sites with simple and beautiful charts. Measure your uptime, response time, and more every minute

We also record the response time for each request, down to TCP, DNS, and first byte times.

Website monitoring - Everything you need, visualized
Unlimited notifications

Alerting for any situation

When a monitor fails, you and your team need timely and actionable insights to address any downtime. Add Slack, SMS, or email.

Our alerts give you the correct information whatever alerting medium you choose. Need more control? Webhooks give you full access to the JSON data we use for alerting.

Website monitoring - Alerting for any situation

We support alerts on 8 different platforms, including...

See the full list of supported integrations
Worldwide website monitoring

Global coverage

Get a clear picture of how your services perform for all your users worldwide. Run your monitor from 17 different data center locations spread over the Americas, EMEA, and the Asia Pacific.

  • Virginia - United State
    VirginiaUnited State
  • Ohio - United State
    OhioUnited State
  • California - United State
    CaliforniaUnited State
  • Oregon - United State
    OregonUnited State
  • Ireland - Ireland
  • London - United Kingdom
    LondonUnited Kingdom
  • Paris - France
  • Frankfurt - Germany
  • Singapore - Singapore
  • Sydney - Australia
  • Tokyo - Japan
  • Seoul - South Korea
    SeoulSouth Korea
  • Mumbai - India
  • Montreal - Canada
  • Stockholm - Sweden
  • Osaka - Japan
  • São Paulo - Brazil
    São PauloBrazil