Status page quickstart

To get started, you need to have a Odown account and logged in. If you don't have one yet, you can register your account here.

Create a status page

You need to have created at least one monitor to create a status page.

From the Status page section, click on Create status page.

From the monitor's section, select the monitors you would like to see on the status page. Additionally, you can choose to display either the uptime graph and the response time graph for each service.

Custom domain & SSL (HTTPS)

  1. In the custom domain field, enter the subdomain you would like to have your status page (must-have status. as a subdomain).
  2. Update your DNS by adding a CNAME record for your chosen subdomain pointing to
  3. Let us know in the chat that you'd like to add this subdomain to our allowlist and generate the SSL (HTTPS) certificate. The status subdomain must start with "status." Example:

Delete a status page

In the list of status pages, click the red recycle bin button to delete the status page.

This destroys the status page and all related data. Monitors which were selected will remain in your monitoring section.